miércoles, 12 de octubre de 2011

The Chocolate for prehispanic people

¨chocolate for the prehispanic people
¨By Daniela Romero Salas
¨ chocolate
¨Now days we can eat chocolate in many ways like, ice creams, cream, candy bars,  in cookies, chips,  cakes and like a beberage
¨ chocolate
¨ chocolate have been taken since 1900-900 b.C. 
¨ chocolate
¨The Maya´s culture said that it was a gods and kings drink and for these reason only they can drink it.
¨ Chocolate
¨For the Mayas there was an important party in May called Ek Chuah  that includes the sacrifices of dogs and others animals with chocolate marcs, cacao ofrends, feathers, incense and a present exchange.
¨ Chocolate
¨Centuries after the Mayas the Mexicas (Aztecs)  had a preference for the chocolhamaya.
¨ Chocolate
¨Moctezuma liked to drink a cup of it with water.
¨ chocolate
¨For the Aztecs the chocolate was an exclusive beverage, it was only for kings and gods, so when Hernán Cortés  arrive into Tenochtitlan, Moctezuma gave him a cup of hot chocolate
¨ Chocolate
¨A leyend said that Quetzacoatl gave to the first man the cacao.
¨Chocolate is The Food Of The Gods. Cacao beans come from a tree that is a species of the genus Theobroma, which translated is food of the gods.
¨ Chocolate
¨It was a kind of coin for make exchanges between cities or kingdoms.
¨ Chocolate
¨Now days Oaxaca is one of the worldwide most important producers of Chocolate.
¨Switzerland  produce chocolate too but the cacao has been imported from Mexico centuries ago.
¨Switzerland is one of the top countries when it comes to chocolate consumption. The Swiss eat roughly 22 lbs of chocolate per person per year. The U.S. consumes about 11 lbs per person each year.
¨71% of American chocolate eaters prefer milk chocolate.
¨This is because the americans loves sugar and dark chocolate is too bitter and contains less sugar than milk chocolate 
¨Many believe that chocolate is an aphrodisiac, possibly because of the simple sensual pleasure of its consumption. Scientists suggest that theobromine and other chemicals do act as mild sexual stimulants. But we all know chocolate will win their heart.
¨Chocolate is a great natural antidepressant. It contains tryptophan which helps you create serotonin, your body's own antidepressant.
¨Contrary to popular belief, chocolate does NOT contribute to acne. However the milk in milk chocolate might, so enjoy the benefits of dark chocolate.
¨Chocolate's melting point is just below your body temperature, so it melts in your mouth. Melting chocolate in your mouth raises brain activity and heart rate more intensly than passionate kissing, and lasts four times longer!
¨Chocolate is poisonous to dogs (and other domestic animals). The Theobromine found in chocolate is a stimulatant, and can be too much for small animals.
¨Chocolate contains high-quality anti oxidants that can protect you from developing cancer and heart disease.
¨Chocolate is rich in magnesium and iron, which your body needs.
¨Quality dark chocolate contains flavonoids which help reduced the risk of heart disease.
¨Chocolate makers use 40% of the world's almonds and 20% of the world's peanuts.
¨The melting point of cocoa butter is just below 98.6 degree F. This is how chocolate so wonderfully melts in your mouth.
¨The best way to store chocolate is by wrapping it in foil and then placing it in plastic. Keep it at a constant temperature of 65 degrees F and 50% humidity
¨Dark chocolate stored under perfect conditions will last for 10 years
¨Eating a 1.6 oz (small) bar of dark chocolate can be good for you!
¨Hershey's is the oldest and largest chocolate company in the U.S.
¨Cadbury is the most popular chocolate in the UK.
¨Most cocoa comes from West Africa.
¨The most expensive chocolate in the world is a $250 creation, called the Madeleine, by Fritz Knipschildt of Knipschildt Chocolatier in South Norwalk, Connecticut. The Madeleine is a specially, handmade dark chocolate truffle complete with a rich ganache, cocoa dusting, and a French truffle inside.
¨The largest box of chocolates contained 90,090 Frango mint chocolates and weighed 3,3226 lbs! It was made by Marshall Field's of Chicago on November 14, 2002.

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